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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor it is under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere.
  • Manuscript is prepared according to the Journal Template. The submission file is in PDF format (obtained by LaTeX format according to Journal template).
  • The submission file is in English.
  • Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is provided for all authors.

Author Guidelines

Journal template

It is essential that you prepare your manuscript according to the journal's format and style specifications. Please read through the Journal Template carefully before preparing your manuscript for submission.

Preparing the manuscript

All manuscripts must be written in English.

The title page should contain title, authors, a short abstract, and in the footnote of the first page it should includeMathematics Subject Classification – MSC2020 and key words.

Manuscript begins with an introductory section that briefly summarizes the main results and explains the paper's significance and contribution to mathematics.

Main headings should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper.

Figures, if any, should be numbered and referenced in the text.

Equations must be labeled by arabic numbers in parentheses at the left margin, if referenced in the text.

A short concluding section may be useful for summarizing the results in a qualitative fashion.

The backmatter should appear as follows: acknowledgments (if any), appendix (if any) and references.

References should be listed in alphabetical order and the following reference style should be used: 
    [1]  J. Karamata, Sur un mode de croissance réguliére des fonctions, Mathematica (Cluj), 4 (1930), 38–53. 
    [2]  J. Schwartz, Nonlinear functional analysis, Gordon and Breach, New York, 1969.

Submitting the manuscript

Submissions to this journal are to be made exclusively online. In order to submit your paper you need to be a registered user. To start a submission, please login or register using the box to the right. 

Papers submitted for possible publication in Mathematica Moravica are initially evaluated by the editors with regard to their suitability for the journal. This refers most of all to the content and its scientific quality. Papers with insufficient contribution to our fields of interest and/or poor organization and/or not prepared in the required style are rejected without delay so that the authors can improve or submit their work elsewhere.

The journal aims to apply very high standards in accepting papers for publication and will publish results that are of significant interest. Papers dealing with applications will be limited to those that contain significant treatment of mathematics and not routine applications of mathematics.

Peer review process

All manuscripts that are initially suitable for Journal will be refereed. This journal operates a single blind review process.

The task of the referee is to make a critical evaluation of the submitted paper and an explicit recommendation to accept or reject the paper for publication. In many cases, referees recommend minor or major revision, and provide explicit guidelines for the author(s) to follow. Paper revisions are submitted for re-review if requested by the reviewers or justified by the editors. The final decision on paper publication (accept/reject) is made by the editors and is not subject to appeal nor justification.

Referees are not supposed to communicate directly with the authors. All communications are through the Editorial Office.

The editors do not set a deadline for the final decision, but all effort will be made to process papers efficiently within a minimal amount of time.

Accepted papers

When a manuscript is accepted, the corresponding author will receive the decision and will be asked to provide LaTeX file according to Journal Template.

The title page should contain title, authors, a short abstract, and in the footnote of the first page it should include 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification and key words.



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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.